Monday 30 September 2013

Photoshop - Camera guide/manual

After scanning in my hand drawn and inked images, I used the lasso tool to remove the white background.
I then added the information from 'camera research'. It took alot of modifying until I was finally happy with the typefaces, positions and colour scheme. The next stage is to print off the camera manual and physically put it together.
I finally decided to add a final page to my manual/guide because I felt that ending it with instructions didn't look right, so I decided to use some of my hand drawn font, which I previously decided not to use in my manual.

This was my first 'draft' However I decided that for the front cover i would remove the film strip as it took all the focus away from my inked camera (which I didn't want as I spent some time trying to get depth and texture using black ink and a stick. Also I wasn't to fond on the pink girly colour scheme.

Hand drawn experimentation

Experimenting with different materials such as coloured pencil crayons, coloured felt tips, black fine liner, black biro and coloured fine liners when drawing different camera types from different view points.
Using ink and a calligraphy pen I drew images for my final camera manual as well as block text of key words i.e 'aperture'. 

Tuesday 24 September 2013

first draft

I firstly decided to add all the information onto the template, so that that once all the main content was on I could focus on the graphic design and colour scheme.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Camera Research - Sketching + Inking

Finally I added other parts of the camera to my sketchbook, ready to scan into photoshop.
I then began to sketch out a camera, ready for the manual/guides front cover, I then used black ink to add detail and shading to my drawing.
 I then researched all the different functions of a dslr camera.

The task in hand was to create a concertina camera manual, firstly searched for images of already made concertina books to get more of an understanding of the function of concertina booklets.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Final Business cards

Once my business cards had been double side printed. I used the guillotine to accurately trim the business cards to the correct size.
I then photographed my final Business cards, I am pleased with the outcome. However if I was given this task again I would have been more precise with my measurements and thought more carefully about my target audience.

Screenshot - Front and Back

I then started to design the same design on photoshop, using fonts I had selected from ''. I used the same floral background design as I did for the front and back, however for the back I turned down the opacity so that the text stood out clear.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Business cards - First Draft

After taking inspiration from my Pinterest business card board, I came up with two unique designs, One for the photography industry and another for the graphic design industry. I then came to the conclusion of using the photography design. I chose this design because I liked the floral background.

Pinterest Business Card - Inspiration/Research

Firstly I set up a Pinterest account. Pinterest allows you to select and image of your choice from the internet and 'pin' it to your own Pinterest area, creating pages of your favourite images. For example the Graphics task was to design Business Cards. Here is a sample of already made business cards that inspired me.