Monday 30 September 2013

Photoshop - Camera guide/manual

After scanning in my hand drawn and inked images, I used the lasso tool to remove the white background.
I then added the information from 'camera research'. It took alot of modifying until I was finally happy with the typefaces, positions and colour scheme. The next stage is to print off the camera manual and physically put it together.
I finally decided to add a final page to my manual/guide because I felt that ending it with instructions didn't look right, so I decided to use some of my hand drawn font, which I previously decided not to use in my manual.

This was my first 'draft' However I decided that for the front cover i would remove the film strip as it took all the focus away from my inked camera (which I didn't want as I spent some time trying to get depth and texture using black ink and a stick. Also I wasn't to fond on the pink girly colour scheme.

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