Wednesday 18 December 2013

My Magazine (Mock)

                     My Final Magazine Front Cover! ( and below corrected masthead!)
    For the subheading 'Share your embarrassing moments' I used an image I had taken of my friend Jasmine with a embarrassed cheeky facial expression, which worked in well with the subheading 'embarrassing moments' Again to fit in with the purple pink colour scheme I changed the hue on Jasmines Penguin Purse and Nail varnish.
 Seen below is how I put it all together.. I cut Amy out on photoshop, used a drawing that I had already designed, over lapping the pattern and changing the hue to make it 'fit' in with Amys Purple hair and Purple dress. From then I added my hand made header along with subheadings and a range of typfaces some hand made and some found on 'dafont.
(Here I made a big mistake of missing out the 'P' in exPose' which was a silly mistake, However this is corrected on my final piece! (:
 I wrote and measured the Word 'EXPOSE' and then cut it out using a craft knife, and then sprayed the shapes and letters. (seen below)
Final rough draft for magazine magazine front cover ( Images + editing above to support)

  Another potential Magazine cover  ( rough draft - scamp) and Photographed image.
Not one of my best drawings! But Large Scamp draft of a potential front cover and photographed image of my friend Amy.
Contact sheet ( Possible front cover images)
6 out of 16 of my images taken were taken without the flash, and therefore I was not keen on using them for my final as it also effected the quality of the image.

Over all I was undeceive over Image 5-6-8 (shown in rought drafts above) However Finally I have decided to use Image 8 as Amy's facial expression enhances and shows of her piercings and unique style.

On the left I created a Mindmap to give me inspiration into choosing a name for a magazine, Eventually I came up with the Masthead 'EXPOSE'.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Magazine Scamps

Fashion magazine - front cover Scamps (Drawn using black biro)
  Front cover scamps as well as small double page scamps (free hand drawn using black biro)

Monday 9 December 2013

Parody - Parisian Fame (Mucha)

This is my final Parody piece.
As you can see from the stages below, Firstly I sketched out the background and then edited/coloured and put it together in photoshop.
I then Took a picture of my friend Amy's Tattoo who looks a lot like the female ' Sarah bernhardt' in the original piece, after colour and editing these together with a textured effect.
I flipped the image, so that it would match the oringinal piece, However I prefer the unflipped image. 
I then took a picture of my friend Amy's tattoo, and then selected the face and edited it on photoshop, in doing this I added another layer and by lowering the opacity coloured it.
Here I firstly coloured the bottom layer as accurate as possible and then (above)n over layer the central piece, I then added a layer giving the background a textured effect. 
 Once I'd scanned them and placed them in photoshop, I then used 'Levels' to contrast the black and white making it easier to colour when editing.
free hand out the Parisain Frame.
Original Piece.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Vector Portrait (Rihanna)

My vector portrait was mainly an experimentation which I could of initially used for my final piece. If I had more time to focus on the vector portrait I would have more carefully taken time in shading and tones, making it look more realistic.

     Above shows the lines I have drawn ready to fill adding tone.

Then using the pen tool I drew over the image (to be filled later)

 For my vector portrait I chose the very famous female R&B artists Rihanna. The reason I chose Rihanna is is because of the range in her skin tone. Using the eyedropper I selected the darkest and lightest tones in her hair and the lightest and darkest tones on her face. I then took a green tone from her eyes and a pink tone from her lips to give a contrast of different colours.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Stencil Spray - Cara Delevingne - Scanning/Photoshop/Final

Final Stencil Spray.
I then made ink splodges,scanned them in coloured them and layered them to get an ink splattered effect.Once I'd removed the white space and background from my image using photoshop I then ctrl+c and shift backspace, this therefore changed the black stencil spray to my desired colour.

My final 3 stencil sprays of Cara Delevingne.