Tuesday 19 November 2013

ELLE - Magazine cover copy

I then added the grey background, moved it to the back and then added Hayleys cut out moving it to the front.
On photoshop I created the grey background and on another tab I lasso tooled Hayley.
(This didn't work)
When applying the image in, 'InDesign' because of the 'LL' being covered I had to lasso tool the background removing it, creating my own background and a cut out of Hayley with no background. ^ (shown two above)
For my magazine copy cover I decided to use the front cover of the magazine 'ELLE' featuring Mary Kate Olsen.
For my first front cover copy NME I started off by copying the type on the page first, so I decided this time I would take my picture first. 
When taking the picture with my friend Hayley, i positioned a light to get the light and dark tones (shadow) placing her against a white background. The outcome wasn't as enhanced as I'd of liked so I used photoshop to add some lighter parts, as well as giving a darker effect around the eyes to match Mary Kate's eye make up, along with green eyes.

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