Thursday 7 November 2013

Look Double Page Analysis

Original Double page - Look Magazine

1. orange sticker against grey background              7. white font against dark image
2. big white typeface/ small white typeface          8. curled typeface and times typeface
3. small white times typeface/ bold white type face  9. white box against dark clothing
4. black typeface against white background             10. white typeface against black box
5. black subheading with highlighted pink word       11. Pink writing against black box
6. times medium typeface/ small black typface 

1. Change of colour through sentence                 5. white box with black writing/pricetag
2. Blipp to buy                                                  6. 1,2,3
3.Small romans typeface                                    7. bold hand written type
4. subheadings in pink for a person+style.            8. pink arrows 

1. Left alignment                                         3. vertical alignment 
2. subheadings aligned

1. Yay! Its the look                                                 8. That's okay ladies
2. We collaborated                                                 9. Lily's Coat
3. we're excited                                                    10. Vanessa's skirt
4. available in store                                                11. Millie's Blazer
5. Diamond                                                            12. Styling Tips
6. Debenhams                                                        13. And there's more..
7. Celebs wear high street too.

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