Saturday 23 November 2013

Vogue and Look Magazine Analysis

Vogue and Look Magazine Analysis.

I specifically bought these two magazines because of the contrast between two different classes in society which is shown through the front cover page and the contents VOGUE being for the upper and more elite class and LOOK for the working class/popular culture, However both aimed at women aged between 17 - 40. Not only that but I also noticed that both magazines 'VOGUE' and 'LOOK' feature the very famous model Kate Moss on the front cover, and through the image shows again the clear contrast between the two magazines, VOGUE features an exclusive modelling shoot where Kate is represented by giving a reserved yet seductive body language  and facial expression and which would of cost a lot of money and shows the close relationship between top supermodel Kate Moss, giving the impression to the reader that their articles are reliable and elite. Whereas LOOK used a standard picture, which has been taken on an everyday occurrence for their front cover, giving the impression that their magazine gives a more casual/lifestyle/gossip approach of the super model. Not only that but Kate Moss is a role model for a range of different ages maximizing the target audience.

The front cover of VOGUE is quite minimalist and organised. The title of the page and the main cover-line are in line with each other and the fonts and colours that are used contrast well together. There is some white space which has utilised well.
The hierarchy of the page makes the readers eye flow from the bold and thin serif type masthead, down the left hand site of the page (left alignment) to the subheadings, This is because the brain/eyes automatically make eye contact with the larger text on the page moving down to the smaller text catch your eye first, as Larger text is usually the main subject and is what draws in the reader.
The way the reader looks at the page is determined by the size, font, colour  and positioningof the text. There is a variety of sans serif type faces which range in size, giving the cover a lot of variation. The colour-scheme used is very contrasting as it shows cold white and blacks which contrast with warm reds, these specific colours have been used because it has been published as a Christmas (December) addition. There is no graphic ornamentation this is probably because the magazine producers want to keep the magazine looking extremely class and prestige, although the magazine includes basic institutional information such as a the date the magazine was published, the price and the bar-code.
The double page within VOGUE uses a range images of all sizes at different angles some overlapping others, this is to add contrast between them making them more interesting, it uses a range of different typefaces making the page contrasting making the page more exciting and diverse.
There has been a grid used for the single page spreads but the images are not structured and move of that which makes it look more appealing. Overall layout of the magazine uses calm yet christmas colours such as white like show and gold like Christmas decor giving the magazine look formal, expensive and minimalistic.

The front cover of LOOK is very busy and full of text however here is some white space making the magazine look more organised.The magazine is very popular and appeals to women aged between 17-40 that are interested in celebrity gossip and new fashion trends.
The most prominent thing on the cover is the masthead because of its striking bold serif display text, throughout the cover both sans serif and serifare used this is to add contrast to the page making it more modern. The image on the cover contrasts well with the colour of the writing that is used, not only that but by having more than one image on a front cover gives the reader a variety of other images making the magazine look a 'good buy' as its bursting with fashion and high street deals.
The hierarchy like VOGUE makes the readers eye flow across then down from the left hand side of the page to the right hand side of the page, along with a variety of different sized text in the modern and feminine complimentary colours of hot pink, white and black.There is alot of graphic ornamentation as the magazine readers want to make the cover look as busy as possible so that the magazine has a wider target audience making more people want to buy and read it. For example the sticker 'special price' in the top left hand corner uses a neon yellow background which is very striking and makes the reader want to buy the magazine because of its saving price, The magazine cover also uses boxes and labels to make it more interesting.
Look magazine also includes institutional information such as the date the magazine was published, the price, the bar-code and puff codes i.e ' Kate - The new therapy changing her life'.
The double page within LOOK is busy but also uses some white space to group the different subheadings i.e 'Lily's coat'. It uses a range of different serif fonts and colours, however it does have a structure and uses ornamentations such as arrows and boxes to make it easy on the eye. The hierarchy of this magazine draws the reader to look at the images before the text, because the images are of celebrities wearing high street branded clothes (main subject) which is the logical way of analysis something as a reader, something we all do.

Overall both of these magazines are targeted at women interested in fashion, however they both have two very different target audiance, VOGUE for the upper class, advertising expensive designer clothing and accessories whereas LOOK which also explored more into celebrity lifestyles and gossip as well as the latest high street affordable fashion. Personally I really like the VOGUE magazines design because of its fresh clean feel because of the expensive quality, however because the LOOK magazine is targeted more at me I feel that what its offering me is more relevant for me as an individual.

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